Preparing for a baby is overwhelming. The amount of items that a baby needs is impressive. Before I registered, I asked my mom friends what they really used. Now I am a mom and posting this for friends who are staring at their registry options unsure where to start. I registered the last week of my first trimester and was glad I did. Once you register in the store, you can update online as needed. Most stores offer 10% off of remaining registry items, so put as much as you can on the registry. I registered at Target, Babies R Us and Pottery Barn. I received items from Target and one gift from Babies R Us.
3-4 hooded towels
Bath products gift basket
1 packet Baby washcloths
Baby Shampoo
Baby Soap-I would not buy a giant one. Baby allergies develop at any time during the first year. Bunny developed a rash from her soap, now I am stuck with a 3/4 full bottle of baby wash.
I do not use a baby bathtub. I tried a bathseat when she was a week old (after the umbilical cord fell off) and baths were a battle. I put her in the bathtub with about an inch of water and it works well for us. If you are more comfortable with a baby bath tub, use one!
Changing Table
Diapers of all brands (This is your chance to see what works for baby.)
Wipes of all types
Diaper pail (We use the Arm and Hammer one.)
Diaper Pail inserts at least 5 refills
Over the door diaper organizer (It saves so much space.)
Pack and play(I got one with a bassinet feature which was perfect for us. When Bunny got older we just took the attachment off and she can still use it, unlike an actual bassinet.)
4 sets of sheets
2-4 swaddle sacks (Great for when they can kick out of the blanket swaddle.)
3-5 sleep sacks (My mom made mine.)
Baby monitor (We chose the Angel Care System. It tracks baby movement and helped me sleep at night.)
5-8 gown nightgowns with the elastic at the bottom
4-5 footie pajamas, all sizes
5-10 receiving blankets for swaddling (my mom made mine)
Mesh bumper pads (NO CLOTH BUMPER PADS, they can cause a baby to suffocate)
Rocking chair (We use an old Lazy Boy recliner.)
Out and About:
Backseat mirror
Carseat (We got the Graco Snugride travel system.)
Carseat insert that supports baby heads
Stroller (We have two, a jogging and the one that came with the carseat. I love having two, one always stays in the trunk of my car)
Diaper bag
I bought a carseat cover, but only used it once. I prefer using recieving blankets.
Baby carrier (We have the Infantino one from Target.)
Portable changing system (My mom made mine.)
Playmat (I see these all the time on Craigslist.)
Excersaucer/walker (We have both, she likes both.)
Johnny Jump-up
Assorted toys (Pick items that crinkle, have a lot of texture or do something unexpected.)
Board books
Blanket for tummy time (We got a ton of these without registering for them).
Bumbo Seat (I got ours on Craigslist.)
Teething toys, a lot of people swear by Sophia the giraffe
Boppy (If you register for one thing, buy this. This is the most useful item regardless of what method you choose to feed your child.)
3-4 Boppy covers (My mom made extras for me.)
A million burp cloths (I got a lot of homemade ones.)
Nursing cover
Breast pump
8 bottles (We use Dr. Brown's bottles. I would get the 8 oz bottles to start to avoid clutter as Baby gets older.)
Plastic bowls
10-20 bibs (My mother in law made mine.)
Highchair (I got the kind that clips onto a chair and love it.)
Pacifiers all kinds (They give you the Phillips green one at the hospital.)
Sick baby:
Children's Tylenol
Children's Benadryl
Thermometer (We have the temporal one and love it.)
Booger Sucker (My dog thinks it is a chew toy.)
Saline Nose Drops
I didn't register for any, clothing is almost everyone's favorite thing to give as gifts. Keep in mind that if a baby is born in the summer, they will not be wearing summer clothes when they are six months old unless you live in Hawaii or other hot place. I did not buy any newborn clothing. I have gotten a lot of clothing from second hand stores that looks brand new.
I would make sure you have AT LEAST
10-15 onesies in every size- long and short sleeve
A million socks
Booties (My SIL bought Bunny snap booties from Gymboree.)
Winter hat
Mommy needs gifts too:
Lanolin if breast feeding
5-6 Nursing Camisole tops (Lifesavers!!!)
4 nursing bras for day
2-6 nursing bras for night if you do not get camisole tops
Nursing pads
Frame tracking pictures birth to a year
Album (My mother in law made mine.)
Baby Calendar (I have mine above Bunny's changing table and write small milestones everyday. My mom gave me the one that I had when I was a baby.)
Baby Detergent (We use All Free and Clear)
I'm sure I forgot some items, but this is what I use/used on a regular basis. Keep in mind, the more you get of an item, the less you have to do laundry! You will most likely not receive all these items, so keep your eyes peeled for good deals on Craigslist,at garage sales, at second hand stores etc. You are entering an exciting time and these items will help you make the transition to motherhood a little easier.